The “second star” is the point of reference that always inspired dreamers and innovators, driving them to an imaginary island where their magic ideas happen.
“Neverland” has never been so real thanks to new latest immersive technologies of Augmented Reality (AR), Metaverse (MV), and Virtual Reality (VR) that makes the dream come true, even the one to fly.
We study data, collect use case & insights, commit researches, partner with Enterprises, Universities, Consulting firms and collaborate with Agencies to inspire, train, assist, managers, entrepreneurs, and startups on Metaverse, Augmented and Virtual Reality business solutions.
We created a fully new ecosystem to successfully operate in what we call “Media Reality”, the new chapter of the never-ending story of technology and media.
We connect people and best in class companies providing a unique platform of sharing knowledge on “Media Reality”.
We provide comprehensive training paths and tailor made solutions to let our customer unlock the potential of “Media Reality” for productivity, sales, marketing and communication.
We create seminars and conferences opportunities to understand and discuss of “Media Reality”
We advise our clients on the design thinking process to shape the most effective strategy for their business taking advantage of “Media Reality” technology.
If you need help figuring out how to get the most for your business from the most advanced technologies of Augmented Reality (AR), Metaverse (MV) and Virtual Reality (VR)
Lorenzo Montagna
Lorenzo Montagna is an expert of technologies applied to media.
He has been CEO of the Italian subsidiaries of iconic internet brands such as Yahoo! – (1st portal), Altavista (1st search engine), ViaMichelin (1st mobile geo app), Lycos-Napster ( 1st social and music website)
He founded in 2017 the 1st Italian consultant company about Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) enterprise solutions named Second stAR VR.
He is President of VRARA ( the largest and global association for AR and VR companies – – ) in Italy.
He is a mentor and advisor for startups working with Polihub ( the 2nd largest public accelerator in Europe, part of Politecnico di Milano, one of the most prestigious university worldwide, a center of excellence for innovation.
He started his careers 27 Yrs ago working in television ( Mediaset & Publitalia) focussing on new media and innovative advertising formats.
He wrote books on digital transformation and is partner of Business Schools, Universities and Observatories about these topics.
His mission is to train & advise managers and entrepreneurs about the new world of “experience technology” in order to adopt successfully these powerful techs impacting the business strategy and the bottom line.
He has written four books, the first on online advertising, “ Pubblicità e web” (2002), the second on e-commerce: “ Marketing, business and web” (2004).
Author of the 1st book about Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for business in Italian, “Realtà virtuale e realtà aumentata. Nuovi media per nuovi scenari di business” (published by Hoepli) and he founded the point of reference online for use cases and info about AR & VR in biz.
In 2022 he published his fourth book, “Metaverse. Noi e il Web 3.0“, on the theme of the Metaverse (published by Mondadori).