
Metaverso. Noi e il Web 3.0

Lorenzo Montagna - Metaverso. Noi e il Web 3.0


The Metaverse could be a fantastic world, but not a fantasy one, in which, without realizing it, we are entering to stay. If so, it is thanks to a new Internet and a new “Web 3.0“.

Metaverso is a journey in which Lorenzo Montagna accompanies us together with those who are studying and creating this world: the top managers of four Big Tech protagonists of change; experts in art, video games, exports, retail, fashion and communication; university professors of Economics, Psychology, Neuromarketing; and finally two young men, a high school student and a recent graduate.

It will be an exciting journey, full of discoveries, surprises, ideas, to understand how we will live in the Metaverse, as people and with our businesses, social networks and communities.
With some doubts along the way because, as in all journeys, there is also the fear of taking the wrong road.

You can buy it from Mondadori or Amazon by clicking below:

“Metaverso. Noi e il Web 3.0” long preview in Google Books.

Realtà virtuale e realtà aumentata. Nuovi media per nuovi scenari di business

Lorenzo Montagna - Realtà Virtuale e Realtà Aumentata - Hoepli

After 40 years of television domination, from 1960 to 1999, two extraordinary phenomena have revolutionized our lives from the point of view of the media: the internet and the smartphone.

The times of technological revolutions are halved and are increasingly powerful. In the next 2 years, starting from 2018 we will begin to live new “immersive” experiences: those of augmented and virtual reality, called “AR” and “VR”. These realities, which will be dominant sooner than you think, already have a very significant impact in the business field and will soon become part of our culture and lifestyle, bringing great and positive innovations. Soon the devices that manage Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) will become almost as relevant as smartphones by integrating them into many functions and replacing them in others.

After the revolution of the PC and that of the smartphone we will live the “reality” one. The next step will be from handsets to headsets. AR and VR are “media reality” that inform us, entertain us and help us in the study and work already today; you just need to know where to find the information. This book will take you to a new “media” dimension and a new period, as relevant as the birth of the TV or the PC, but much more engaging from an emotional and informative point of view.

Data, research, interviews with the big names in technology and companies that were the first to successfully adopt these technologies in Italy enrich the book with concrete examples and practical cases.

You can buy it in print or Kindle format on Amazon by clicking below!

Long preview in Google Books.


Schermata 2018-10-17 alle 22.38.25

Admirable informative bible on the world of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality

I waited with trepidation for Lorenzo’s book… and I read it with even more interest. A reading that I recommend, a real MUST for those interested in better understanding what’s behind the famous “immersive technologies”. It was Lorenzo, in (my) university days, who made me discover the potential of the Web with his first book (Lavapiubianco). It was he, then, who made Italian companies understand the potential of e-commerce and web marketing. And here it is again twenty years later: denoting an extraordinary critical capacity and demonstrating that it knows how to ride the air of the times, Montagna tells us an unpublished, admirable popular bible on the world of Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality. An already cult text for enthusiasts and operators in the sector, which tells how the tidal wave of immersive technologies is about to overwhelm us all, without exception. Recommended.

Lorenzo C.

Schermata 2018-10-17 alle 22.38.25

Every marketer should read it

Those who deal with marketing and communication today should read Lorenzo Montagna’s book, because he is able to give a clear, concrete and reasoned vision of the sector that represents “the next big thing”: augmented and virtual reality.
I was a bit skeptical about this area before reading the book, but now I understand many aspects that escaped me.

Alessandro G. Marketing, business e web. - Lorenzo Montagna

LAVAPIUBIANCO.BIZ – marketing, business e web (2004)

Internet, nonostante la sua giovane età, ha già attraversato tutte le fasi tipiche di ogni fenomeno economico, dall’euforia al crollo. Eppure pochi di noi saprebbero rinunciare alla posta elettronica e al web per il proprio lavoro.

In questo libro l’autore ci aiuterà a capire come trasformare le pratiche di business marketing offline in efficaci iniziative pensate per la rete.
Questo saggio è unico nel suo genere perché insieme alle teorie dell’autore troverete la diretta testimonianza dei manager delle principali aziende italiane e multinazionali attive in Internet, dal colosso industriale alla filiale della dotcom americana, dall’azienda tipica del made in Italy all’Università.

Nelle circa 30 case study presentate il lettore troverà spunti e idee, trucchi e segreti che hanno consentito alle aziende di sfruttare al meglio la rete come strumento di comunicazione, aumentando tatturato, utenti, visibilità e leadership.
Come nell’edizione precedente, anche in troverete dati e previsioni dei principali istituti di ricerca, a supporto delle analisi di mercato contenute nel libro.

Le aziende presenti nel libro:
Amazon, ANEE, Aprilia, Armando Testa-Mediaitalia, BMW, bol, Coralis,
Diesel, Ebay, Eurisko, Ferrero, Genialloyd, Google, Henkel, ING Direct,
Inter, Kelkoo, Landor,, Mazda, Mediaset, Media World,
Mondadori, MSN-Microsoft, Olio Carli, Pirelli, Politecnico di Milano.

Long preview in Google Books. Pubblicità e web. - Lorenzo Montagna

Advertising and the web don’t get along. The banner is dead and with it the new economy. This is what many managers in communications, marketing and sales think in 2002. But it’s not true. This book, full of case histories and interventions by managers, data and references to the Italian market today, advertising images, critical stimuli for the web community, will prove the opposite. Together with the author, professionals from very important and different companies will demonstrate the effectiveness of the Internet as a means of commercial communication and its distinctive characteristics compared to other media.

You can buy it by clicking below!