Newsletter – Metaverse and Retail 5.0

Newsletter – How the metaverse can improve decision making

Newsletter – Metaverse and Retail 5.0

The complexity of the Metaverse made simple and understandable.

How the metaverse can improve decision making.

In this week’s Newsletter we talk about the impact of immersive technologies in the field of training and in particular on the support, study and analysis of the decision-making processes.

It is a synthesis of Laura Iacovone‘s 1 contribution in my book “Metaverse. We and the Web 3.0” and it introduces two key arguments of the topic under examination:

  • The possible influence of the Metaverse on decision-making processes
  • The role and effectiveness of immersive reality in training activities.

Professor Laura Iacovone studies and has put these issues into practice in various companies from the medical-scientific world to that of consultancy, from hard skills to softskills.

Virtual Reality (VR) is recognized as a “killer app” for the education sector; the Metaverse, as a digital environment where people or their representations move, opens a new and further chapter from the point of view of the study of behavior of people. We will go on to study not only interactions such as clicks but also positions, trajectories, decision processes within “synthetic” worlds.

The article analyzes the sometimes overlooked aspects of backend data, generated by technologies and behavioral algorithms to trace every action and movement performed in virtual environments, in time and space, recording them with even greater precision than those sampled in a physical environment.

The complete article can be read (in italian language) directly on LinkedIn.

All articles are available as a weekly newsletter (in italian language).
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1 Laura Iacovone – She immediately started teaching while simultaneously obtaining her PhD, with a specialization in Services Marketing & Management and Competitive Analysis.
Now for fifteen years in the Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods of the University of Milan, she have developed specific skills in the field of behavioral economics.
She’s the teacher of the Consumer & Shopping Behavior and Neuro Marketing Research courses; she’s a member of the Academic Board and of the Organizing Committee of the Masters in Data Science for Business, Economics and Finance and of the Master in Cybersecurity and Data Protection. She is the founder of – XR/VR+AI Solutions for Business, Research and Marketing.


This “Newsletter” category within the site is dedicated to fresh articles that explore the different aspects of the Metaverse concept. A journey towards the new internet, or rather the new web, carried out objectively, avoiding dangerous enthusiasms as well as banal clichés, listening to the opinion of many people who are moving in this world successfully but also with some perplexity.