
A selection of the most important and useful research to understand the value and perspectives of augmented, virtual and metaverse reality.

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STEP – Virtual reality as an extension of our experiences as people and professionals

The recording of the meeting "Virtual reality as an extension of our experiences as people and professionals", with Lorenzo Montagna (founder of Seconda-Stella, President in Italy of VR AR Association, author of…

Newsletter – 2024 Predictions and Trends in Emerging Technologies – Part 2

The complexity of emerging technologies made simple and understandable. – 2024 Predictions and Trends in Emerging Technologies – Part 2 News from emerging technologies: what activities to undertake in 2024? The Metaverse…

Newsletter – Metaverse: the digital twin community in the cloud is already an opportunity

The complexity of the Metaverse made simple and understandable. – Metaverse: the digital twin community in the cloud is already an opportunity. This week’s Newsletter concerns Microsoft‘s approach to the Metaverse, it’s…

RAI UNO : CODICE LA VITA E’ DIGITALE. Intervista a Lorenzo Montagna RaiUno intervista Lorenzo Montagna. Un servizio negli uffici di Second StAR VR con intervista a Lorenzo Montagna sulle realtà immersive durante la trasmissione Codice in onda su RAI UNO. Per vedere…

RaiNews24 – Interview with Lorenzo Montagna, author of “Virtual reality and augmented reality”

The video stream of the interview with Lorenzo Montagna aired on RaiNews24 is available online. You can watch it here: RaiNews24 > Lorenzo Montagna, author of "Virtual reality and augmented reality" Lorenzo…

Augmented menu Augmented Reality restaurant menu: restaurants menu, from a list of words, to a real preview of the food to avoid any mistake and an anticipation of the plate presentation. Thanks Augmented…

Apple and Augmented Reality Superpowers

Apple and Augmented Reality Superpowers: if you missed the new area of Apple website dedicated to IOS and Augmented Reality  better to have a look: . Some interesting APPs are waiting…