Atlante - Technical and Supply Chain Summit

Atlante – Technical and Supply Chain Summit – Palazzo di Varignana, Castel San Pietro, Bologna

The first edition of the Technical and Supply Chain Summit was held on 22 September 2023 in the splendid location of Palazzo di Varignana, in Castel San Pietro, Bologna.

Atlante - Technical and Supply Chain Summit

The Technical and Supply Chain Summit has been an event which, in view of the challenges (of best practices, ethics, innovation) that await us, places two fundamental areas for our work at the center of the scheduled meetings: Quality and Supply Chains.

Italian and international guest speakers such as Bettina Luginbühl (Migros), Claire
Hughes (Sainsbury’s), Enrica Gentile (Aretè), Lorenzo Montagna (Second-Stella) were part of the event.

Lorenzo Montagna‘s speech focused on the “augmented future” and how new technologies are overwhelmingly taking on an important strategic role both with the exponential growth of Artificial Intelligence and with the maturity of Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies and the restart of NFTs.

The contexts of the global macro economy, the complexity of supply chain management, the importance of ethics in our sector have been examined and it has been a unique opportunity to create new professional relationships and acquire strategic insights.

Atlante - Technical and Supply Chain Summit - Relations

The complete program is available on the Atlante (Food Of The World) website.

Here are some images from the event.