Newsletter – The European regulation on Artificial Intelligence, alliances and immersive devices

Futuro. Noi e il Web 3.0

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The European regulation on Artificial Intelligence, alliances and immersive devices

This edition of the Newsletter comes out in the days of the approval of the AI-Act, the first European regulation on Artificial Intelligence, which aims to provide developers and users of AI with requirements and obligations relating to its specific uses.

Project Aria - Meta

Meanwhile interesting movements are also recorded in the field of Web 3 and immersive technologies (for Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Spatial Computing) related to consumers and to sales of dedicated hardware too (with alliances and meaningful cases from Meta, Sony, Apple, Google, Samsung, LG, Rayban).

Samsung XR

There are immersive experiences projects presented by brands such as Gucci (with the “Gucci Ancora” event, currently underway in major Asian cities) and forecasted by Disney (with new investments in AI and VR).

Gucci Ancora

Neural Interfaces are a further step towards the evolution of interaction and the big Techs (with examples from Meta and Elon Musk) are working on specific projects in these areas.

You can read the complete in-depth analysis (in italian language) directly on LinkedIn.

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This “Newsletter” category within the site is dedicated to fresh articles that explore the different aspects of the Metaverse concept. A journey towards the new internet, or rather the new web, carried out objectively, avoiding dangerous enthusiasms as well as banal clichés, listening to the opinion of many people who are moving in this world successfully but also with some perplexity.