Newsletter – Spatial Computing: an overview of growth in recent years

Newsletter – Metaverse and Retail 5.0

The complexity of the Metaverse made simple and understandable.

Spatial Computing: an overview of growth in recent years.

This chapter of the Newsletter takes into consideration the world of Spatial Computing (or Ambient Computing), a concept that is attracting a lot of attention after Apple introduced it during the presentation of the Apple Vision Pro headset.

Spatial Computing exploits technologies that affect the way we interact with space, objects and other people, in dimensions that are created and exist beyond the screen, around us, or by integrating real space with overlays of data, information, graphics and contextual objects.

Mixed Reality by Magic Leap

The analysis delves into the technologies on which Spatial Computing is based (AR / Augmented Reality, MR / Mixed Reality, VR / Virtual reality) and how they are evolving on the market and in social relations.

Large technological (and non-technological) companies are evolving their positions and their products: Sony, Lenovo, Pico, Meta, Amazon, Gucci are examples examined as an indication of what can now be envisaged and expected from Spatial Computing (or XR) in the next future.

The complete article can be read (in italian language) directly on LinkedIn.

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This “Newsletter” category within the site is dedicated to fresh articles that explore the different aspects of the Metaverse concept. A journey towards the new internet, or rather the new web, carried out objectively, avoiding dangerous enthusiasms as well as banal clichés, listening to the opinion of many people who are moving in this world successfully but also with some perplexity.