
A selection of the most important and useful research to understand the value and perspectives of augmented, virtual and metaverse reality.

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Varjo Teleport

Varjo Teleport is a revolutionary new technology that opens up interesting possibilities for creating immersive experiences. Any real space is made usable in Virtual Reality, just by using an iPhone to scan…

Prada Virtual Reality (VR) Prada Virtual Reality: Prada introduces Virtual Reality, an innovative way to directly experience its universe: an intense and engaging journey that stimulates the senses and the emotions, breaks down barriers and…

Augmented menu Augmented Reality restaurant menu: restaurants menu, from a list of words, to a real preview of the food to avoid any mistake and an anticipation of the plate presentation. Thanks Augmented…

Six degrees of freedom

Blind users movements freedom: six degrees of freedom (6DoF) refers to the freedom of movement of a rigid body in three-dimensional space. Specifically, the body is free to move forward/backward, up/down, left/right…