Bricoday Digital Village 2023 - Lorenzo Montagna

Bricoday – Bricoday Digital Village 2023 – Phygital Retail, the new frontiers of integration

The Permanent Multichannel Observatory in Hardware Stores (OPMF) and Bricoday Digital Village presented a conference, on the morning of September 29th, dedicated to the phygital channel, the processes of digital evolution and the new frontiers of integration that are spreading in the retail sector.

Bricoday 2023 - Lorenzo Montagna

An appointment to gather authoritative points of view from companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, eBay and Würth on the topic of integration and convergence of new channels, processes, new technologies and distribution networks to understand how digital and technological evolutions can influence and improve the retail sector (both from the consumer and professional point of view).

On Friday 29th, at 11.10 am, Lorenzo Montagna has talked about how new augmented and virtual reality tools can be an enormous support for sales in the retail world during the speech “The new technological frontiers: smart and 3D devices to push sales“.

The video of the speech is available (with opptional english subtitles) here:
Bricoday Digital Village – Lorenzo Montagna.

At 1.30 pm there has been the presentation of the book “Metaverso. Noi e il web 3.0“, a timeframe in which Lorenzo Montagna has been interviewed by Alessandra Fraschini, to analyze what and how many changes have happened in the Metaverse and web 3 in recent months.

The complete programs for the Bricoday Digital Village 2023 (and all the other events of BricoDay 2023) are available on the website, on the official program page.