Newsletter – 2024 Predictions and Trends in Emerging Technologies – Part 2

Futuro. Noi e il Web 3.0

The complexity of emerging technologies made simple and understandable.

2024 Predictions and Trends in Emerging Technologies – Part 2

News from emerging technologies: what activities to undertake in 2024?

The Metaverse and the Future: from this release the Newsletter changes its title, which becomes “Future. We and Web 3.0“. Originally the starting vision was for a Metaverse intended as the destination of a journey in which the digital overlaps and replaces the real, now this journey is branching out into many different paths that are leading us towards a Future that goes beyond technologies with which the meaning of the Metaverse is often defined (and beyond the technological boundaries into which it is often forced).
To avoid confusion and misunderstandings, we changed one word in the title, FUTURE.
The other ones remain: WE and WEB3.

In this week’s Newsletter we continue the analysis (begun in the previous edition) of news and data from studies by research institutes, trend hunters and main protagonists in the new technology sector to distil a strategic vision, for managers and professionals, to undertake in the new year (always taking into account all the related social and economic aspects).

Among the case studies examined are:

Rabbit (the innovative device, essentially a pocket butler, which uses advanced Artificial Intelligence to respond to requests and solve the user’s practical problems)

Rabbit - R1

Apple Vision Pro (and the new aspects of Apple‘s revolutionary spatial computing device)

Apple Vision Pro

Disney (with the futuristic HoloTile and Disney+ collaborations with Apple)

Disney Research - HoloTile

– data from the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2024 conference (held in Davos)

– the evolution of the Metaverse and the episodes of convergence of digital worlds and ‘traditional’ brands (Pokemon and Fendi, Roblox / Zepeto and Lacoste, Virtual Reality for sportsNBA – and live music).

Fendi x Pokemon

You can read the complete in-depth analysis (in italian language) directly on LinkedIn.

All articles are available as a weekly newsletter (in italian language).
You can subscribe to the newsletter from its official page.

This “Newsletter” category within the site is dedicated to fresh articles that explore the different aspects of the Metaverse concept. A journey towards the new internet, or rather the new web, carried out objectively, avoiding dangerous enthusiasms as well as banal clichés, listening to the opinion of many people who are moving in this world successfully but also with some perplexity.