Harvard Business Review - Immersive Technologies - Lorenzo Montagna

Harvard Business Review – The fascinating future of immersive technologies

Harvard Business Review Italia has published an in-depth analysis by Lorenzo Montagna on the future of Immersive Technologies.

Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) are shaping an XR, an Experiential Reality (or Extended Reality), with which leading entrepreneurial protagonists are currently working and doing research.

Lorenzo Montagna presents the hubs and technologies underlying these realities, analysing which sectors (social, industrial, entertainment, technology, retail, real estate, marketing, training…) are adopting and reaping greater results already in the present.

Europe and Italy are also aligning themselves (for example with the AI ​​Act for Artificial Intelligence or the European regulations on virtual currency) with these widespread innovations and revolutions that are now taking shape and consolidating everywhere, inside homes, in cars, at work, with investments.

The full article can be found (in italian language) below.

Harvard Business Review - The fascinating future of immersive technologies